Those who purchased version 9 on or after 1 January 2018 can upgrade for free. Upgrades from version 9 of either app cost $30, and the upgrade price from PDFpen to PDFpenPro is $50. PDFpen now automatically updates an open document to the latest saved version from any app (for example, if it’s open in both PDFpen and Preview and the last save was in Preview), adds new View options for remembering Highlight Form Fields and Highlight Links, displays link destinations in a tooltip, adds the capability to adjust image opacity, and adds AppleScript support for performing batch OCR processing and adding page numbers, headers, and footers.
Smile has released version 10.1 of PDFpen and PDFpenPro, a maintenance update to the recently upgraded PDF editing and manipulation apps. #1603: Replacing a 27-inch iMac, Luna Display turns a 27-inch iMac into a 5K display, OWC's affordable Thunderbolt 4 cables.

#1604: Universal Control how-to, show proxy icons in Monterey, Eat Your Books cookbook index.